Monday, October 3, 2011

Getting Ready… Holy Tuna Batman…This is harder than you think.

A couple of my friends have asked me to keep them posted on our travels.  Well just in case they were saying that just to be nice, I’m posting a blog instead of sending spam.

So here is my first blog.

Let me just tell you packing a storage area, a pickup and a BMW for the long term is harder than you think.  Every single item in our house was sorted into 3 buckets: Storage, Goodwill or in the car.

Some decisions were easy.  Did I really need 20 copies of the Dec 1987 issue of my high school newspaper?  I was editor and all, but really.  One copy is enough, unless I plan on selling them at our 25 year reunion. They were 25 cents in high school, probably not worth keeping.

Other decisions were not so easy. If you are a chick or a gay man, imagine narrowing your whole wardrobe down to fit in a 3 series BMW trunk.   I have had trips to Hy-Vee that more than fill that trunk.  Some of my favorite sweaters got voted out of the BMW to the purgatory that is the Extra Storage garage.

I did a couple trial runs.  There are 30 hangers of clothes, 21 pairs of shoes, a file box, a bottle of Baileys and an extra large bottle of gin that fit in that trunk.    In the back seat, there is a large and small suitcase, a yoga mat, 3 storage totes, a lap top and a printer.  In the front seat, there is a toiletry bag and a mini cooler.

Now granted, Dave has the pickup and the trailer.  So he has our bikes, golf clubs and a whole crap load of tools.  So for him, my clothes dilemma is his tool dilemma.  He has no qualms about the decision to wear only 10 shirts, 4 pairs of shoes, a bathing suit, shorts and a couple pairs of jeans for the foreseeable future.  But ask him which saw got voted out of the trailer.  I think I may have seen a hack saw in the Extra Storage purgatory, otherwise the other 21 saws are making a roadtrip.

The other thing is groceries.  I have a problem throwing away food.  It may have been in my pantry for 5 years, but I have waited until the day before we close on the house to toss it.  Ashley ended up with some Kashi, a ton of spices, the most monstrous jar of pickles, kidney beans, cherry pie filling and miscellaneous crap.  Just what she was hoping for…

Our closing is tomorrow Sept 28th, but we turn over possession noon on Sept 30.  First stop-Anthony, Kansas.

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