I love the bus. As I mentioned in a previous blog, I rode the Peter Pan bus to NY City. For a mere $40, I rode from Wilmington, DE to New York and back again. From my math, I missed about $25 worth of tolls. The toll just to get on the “Island” is $12. If you look at tolls, gas and parking, this is th best bargain going.
When I told my brother I was taking the bus, he told me to watch out for weird people. I told him, I like weird people. But let’s be honest, I like harmless weird people. Secretly, I’m praying I don’t end up next to the guy who just got released for a rape and murder conviction. But I end up sitting across from some Indian college kid. He was a sweet- looking, geeky dude with a big nose. He was rocking out on his Ipod and quite honestly, I think he was reading a paper on quantum physics. He scarfed down a whole can of BBQ Pringles. He must have still been starving because he started to rip open a bag of peanuts like a virgin opening a condom package. He was so worked up it shot peanuts around the bus like BBs. He looked at me like he’d just been caught with his pants down to which I started to laugh. So much for my rapist/murder.
After the great weekend with my girlfriend, I headed back to the NY bus station. There are 400 terminals. This is the Supersize of bus stations. I grabbed a chocolate croissant and coffee and headed to my terminal. I still had 30 minutes and walked into a snack bar to take a seat. I looked around. There was quite a few homeless folks sleeping at the random tables. They each kept their bags under their feet or heads or in their laps. I sat down and contemplated for a minute. I look a little different. And I smell a whole lot different, but officially I’m homeless. Hmmm, maybe I’m one of the weird people.